Saturday, December 4, 2010

Image, Power and Politics pgs 9-22

Representation is when we incorporate words and images and convey a meaning. An object interpretation can be defined specifically on its cultural background or can be understand by its specific culture ideologies. A object that as a specific meaning in the States is very from someone that is from another culture means something completely different. The truth behind an image can be inflected by cultural ideologies. The Myth of Photographic Truth, a photographic is a scientific form of documenting historical and cultural events projected through an image. The section states that  a photography is not a reliably source because behind the lens there is a person making particular choices.

In reading this section, They put into context something that we do not think about an most artist do not take into consideration when making an art piece. Which is that an artist work of art will be interpret differently by each individual in different parts of the world. The myth of photographic, it is also something that we do not think about. It made be think in depth of the photos I have seen.  When we see an image how can we counted as truthful when now a days with computer software it can easily be manipulated.

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